Hello everyone we are back at it again on the Inspirational Quotes. We are on Day 3 ready to get inspired on this lovely day. The last two days has been a great experience on being Fearfully, Wonderfully made, and being what God's say your are. Those Quotes are life changing and can minister to your hearts. Now on to day 3. So many times we do for others and to look up you don't have time for yourself. Some of us are the life savers of our families, friends lives, but we forget about ourselves. What makes you happy, what do you enjoying doing, what makes you whole, & complete. We are so busy with careers, relationships, & helping others which is not a bad thing. We get so lost in those types of things and we lose sight of ourselves. We're there for everyone else but not there for yourself. It always good to go pamper yourself, take your own self out on a date, go to the spa, get your nails, & feet done. Ladies you deserve it!!! So I encourage you today to take time out for yourself & make "YOU" happy for once. Let's read our Inspirational Quote for today and let it reach your hearts. I hope you enjoy it & I would love to hear your comments and your thoughts.