Thursday, February 19, 2015

The ER

Hello guys hope everyone is having a great day. Finally I went to the emergency room last night because of the sore throat I've been having since last Tuesday. Now when you go to the emergency room you go in with a purpose & only for that purpose. Guys I went in around 6:30 p.m. last night & I didn't leave until 12:30 a.m. You would think that these people will harry to get you in & get you out. This was not the case here & may I add that it was a lot of people in ER last night. So I checked in, sat for about 10 min, & they call me to go to the back to get check out. By the way Baylor is the best hospital ever. When I get to the back they ask you all these questions and then want to give you an x-ray. When they already know what the sickness is but instead they want to keep you in ER for 10 hrs. Knowing that it don't take that long for them figure out what you have. So come to find out I had Upper Respiratory Infection & Hyperglycemia ( High Blood Sugar). That's why my sickness lasted for almost two weeks because I had High Blood Sugar & when you have high blood sugar it takes your body longer to heal. If there's anyone out there has Diabetes please take care of yourselves because this Illness is no joke. You can't play around with Diabetes and this type of  Illness will take you out of this world. So Please people with Diabetes, eat right, read the word of God concerning your healing, exercise, & really take your meds daily. I would love to hear from anyone who has this illness & share with me your comments, thoughts, & concerns about Diabetes.

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